Solar System

Posted: June 12, 2018 in SOCIAL STUDIES

Hi everyone,

In 5th primary, kids have been working together enjoying their project about the Solar System. They have created wonderful models of our solar system while learning everything about it.


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Solar System

Posted: June 8, 2018 in SOCIAL STUDIES

When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system.-Kalpana Chawla
5th B have discovered different types of planets and they shared information regarding each planet! Very colorful and beyond.


Kids in 5th A and B have been learning the different spheres that make up the Earth and in order to better learn the vocabulary, they used an avocado 🥑 to relate it to the geosphere and make it more realistic. Also they had fun!

Hi everyone!

We’re very excited to let you know that we have just started our first multidisciplinary project with our students in 3 ESO!! The project title is: find your own future, as its aim is to introduce them to their future work life. The subjects involved are: maths, Spanish, IT and English. To start off, we’ve done a dynamic game of jobs and followers. It was really funny and kids enjoyed playing it and won sweet prizes. We send some pics, hope you’ll like them 😉

Sharon & Mª Esther

Hi everyone!
We’ve been practising storytelling today with the group in 2 baccalaureate. First, they did a puzzle with Bookwidgets and then we used the App Talking Dice 3 D to make up stories with the pics showing on the dice. The only rule was using the linking words on the puzzle to start their sentences. Great fun! What are you waiting for? Give it a go!

Mª Esther



Hi everyone!
We’ve recently tried something new in 1 baccalaureate: visual thinking! It consists on puncture thinking, in other words, it’s a way to organize thoughts and improve studentsk ability to think and communicate. The students were really engaged while drawing collaboratively about modal verbs. It was just a perfect chance to process, analyse, evaluate and create. I stongly recommend it to everyone! Have a look at their masterpieces!

Mª Esther

Our 3ESO students had had a lot of fun competing in this writing contest and they’ve got a fabulous prize!!!
Well done guys!
Sharon and María Esther


Activating our brains!

Posted: May 14, 2018 in READERS

In our Readers classes this week we have started on a dynamic note, disinhibiting ourselves and activating our brains. I’ve called the activity 30 seconds and it consists of students using 30 seconds to find a song, another 30 seconds to convince the class that their song is the best so they have to reach a consensus, and then another 30 seconds to find the karaoke version and put it on the Apple TV. Students then sing and dance to the chosen song🎤

Once the song has finished, the students are asked to notice what they just did and become aware of the fact that they managed to take a group decision, reach a consensus, cohese as a group and carry out collaborative group work, and in the process, read lots of English, without any effort!

A fun and dynamic way to start the week or to liven up the atmosphere, preparing for deeper learning.

More coming soon from the Readers dept😉


Readers teacher 3 eso – 2 Bach/2 IB



Hi everyone,

Primary art students have been working on a number of artistic styles and concepts and here we caN see some excellent examples of the work being completed. Firstly we have a work using pointillism, where individual points of colour together create an impressive effect. Next we can see the use of analogous colors to create depth and volume, and showing how different color palettes create different moods and feelings.

Well done!

Peter Goodfellow

Designing Pottery

Posted: May 10, 2018 in ARTS, Uncategorized
Hi all,
This week fourth primary have been working hard designing pottery in their art classes. Patterns, forms and many different colouring techniques were taught.


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