Archive for September, 2015

Welcome Back!

Posted: September 6, 2015 in Uncategorized

Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! We hope that you have had wonderful holidays. This year will be full of new learning experiences and discoveries. You can keep abreast of all the school activities on this department blog related to modern languages.

In this academic year, our goal is to provide our students with opportunities to succeed in learning languages at a higher level. Our educational program is designed to engage students in active, collaborative learning that emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills to be applied to real-world concepts. Furthermore, we believe that our educational program which is academically challenging and student-centred will provide our young adults with a strong foundation for future success.

Last but not least, we thank you for being so understanding and supportive. We enjoy working with your children and are very proud of all of them. If you have any questions feel free to come and talk to us.

Thank you very much.